Thursday, June 13, 2013

Playing around with my curly wurly tree

The Curly wurly tree on an overcast day
So, this is the last thing I have to submit for Digital Photography.  It has been a hard learning experience for me and I certainly wish I had been able to pick up things quicker than I did.  Happily I am left with some skills and confidence to drag my camera around and play with photoshop and be able to help/understand and my future students and have the ability to incorporate photography into Home Economics.

I wish I had learnt how to do this earlier, I could easily have done a series like this. 

Trying tp reverse a vignette...links

Digital Artist Manipulations

Seeing as I have decided I am not yet particularly creative in the area of photography I have gone to see whats out there a bit more....and think about how they did what they did...


Fruit Manipulation

Are all landscapes boring? not to me....

Still practicing with the camera.  A few different angels and focus points.

More panoramas

Putting panoramas into practice.  I used a tripod as low as it could go for the tree panorama.
The bridge panorama needs a little light.


Assignment 6 photos in oil paint mode

These are the images for my assignment 3 but I have adapted them to oil paintings in ps6.  I quite like the effects.


selective blur

Again,  I was too slow to do the progressive blur during class and I thought I wrote down the directions on how to do it and  I still cannot seem to work it out.   So I turn to my Google friend again, couldn’t find what I was looking for, but I found this instead.

Selectively blurring images with ps6.  Iris, blur and tilt shift information.